Youth empowerment in tobacco control: community-based participatory research in rural Indonesia

Heni Trisnowati, Abdillah Ahsan, Elisabeth Kramer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: This paper describes the planning and implementation program of Remaja Berdaya Sehat Tanpa Rokok (JayaStar) or Empower Youth Healthy without Smoking (EYHWS). This is a pilot tobacco control program for smoking behavior with a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach in a rural area of Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach: This research used the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) method. The paper would describe three stages of the JayaStar program that started from diagnosis, planning action and taking action. Participants in this research were all youths aged 17–25 years including as many as 33 people. The key informants were the village head, the hamlet head, the hamlet head’s wife, the youth leader, health promotion officers at the Pleret Health Center and the Health Promotion Section of the Bantul Health Office. Findings: The determinants of the youth empowerment process are divided into (1) predisposing factors, (2) group structure and (3) group climate. It has an important role in the success of the youth empowerment process in smoking behavior control. The implementation of the JayaStar program consisted of (1) outbound, and training with the theme of increasing self-potential; (2) training on the impact of cigarettes/vapors on the health of youths; (3) discussion and practice of making health campaign videos; (4) parenting program with the theme of the important role of parents in creating a healthy and superior young generation; (5) declaration and inauguration of JayaStar volunteers. Originality/value: This research is an example of a successful community-based youth project that resulted in a demonstrable positive outcome. It demonstrates the importance of good relations between stakeholders. The JayaStar movement could be a potential model for youth empowerment projects to control smoking behavior among future generations in Indonesia.

Original languageEnglish
JournalHealth Education
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Community-based participatory research
  • Rural area
  • Tobacco control
  • Youth empowerment


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