Wire-composite splint for reimplant procedure of first permanent incisors

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Reimplant procedure is a treatment of choice to avulsed or exarticulation or total luxation of teethfrom their socket. Splint is a part of reimplant thats important in stabilized and immobilized tooth for the time needed to ensure the healing of periodontal membrane. This clinical report describes a simplified wire-composite splinting procedure of avulsed upper anterior teeth due to fall 10 days ago of10 years old, boy. He visited to Pediatric Dentistry clinic, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesiaaccompannied by his mother without any pain and also no dilaceration around his face. Intra oral examination shows socketsregion 11 and 21 filled of blood cloth, and teeth 13,12,22,23 in good position and immobile. Treatment planned isreimplant of teeth 11 and 21, andsplinting by ligature wire-composite from 13 to 23. Procedures treatment of avulsed teeth are endodontic extra oral, reimplant, and wire-composite splintusing SS wire 0.18 inch and self-adhesif composite resin. Periodicallycontrolpost-reimplant and the wire-composite splint areonce a week on the first month, then on the third and sixth month. The wire-composite splint removed at the sixthcheck-up or 4 month post-reimplant due to fixation of 11 and 21 was completed. The ligature wire bondedwith resin-based composite works well for splinting avulsed teeth, in a boy aged 10 years old, dueto avulsed teeth 10 days prior the trauma.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)254-261
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Avulsed young permanent incisors teeth
  • Ligature wire
  • Reimplant
  • Resin-basecomposite


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