Verifiable Image Secret Sharing Using Matrix Projection

N. F. Azzahra, Kiki Ariyanti

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Secret sharing scheme is a technique to share secret data into n pieces based on a simple (k, n) threshold scheme. However, the problem with Shamir's secret sharing scheme is that they do not provide any way to verify that the dealer was honest and the shares were indeed valid. This problem also occurr in the Thien and Lin's image secret sharing or the Li Bai's construction using matrix projection. On the other hand, a developed protocol for secret sharing called verifiable secret sharing allows every participant to validate their received piece to confirm the authenticity of the secret. Therefore, this paper discussed a proposed scheme based on verifiable secret sharing, in which the matrix projection is used to create image shares and a public matrix from watermark image. The secrets were represented in elements of a square matrix. The watermark image was used for verifiability where the reconstructed watermark image verifies the accuracy of the reconstructed secret image.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012082
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 4 Dec 2018
Event2nd Mathematics, Informatics, Science and Education International Conference, MISEIC 2018 - Surabaya, Indonesia
Duration: 21 Jul 2018 → …


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