Variables affecting e-learning services quality in Indonesian higher education: Students' perspectives

Theresiawati, Henki Bayu Seta, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Zaenal Abidin

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33 Citations (Scopus)


Aim/Purpose This research aims to evaluate and analyze the e variables which influence the quality of e-learning services at the university-level based on the perspectives of students (stakeholders). It seeks to identify factors of e-learning quality and satis-faction and to examine the relationship between the dimensions of e-learning quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intention as perceived by university students. Background E-learning is an electronic learning approach that supports online teaching and learning. One of key indicators of the success of e-learning development and im-plementation is the increased satisfaction of e-learning users. However, research focusing on the service quality of e-learning in universities, especially in Indone-sia, has not been widely carried out and has not been comprehensive. Researching the quality of e-learning services in universities, especially in Indonesia, will help to increase the gross enrollment rate (GRE) in tertiary education Methodology This research uses quantitative methods. Research data were obtained by distrib-uting a questionnaire at one of state universities in Indonesia. The study was based on an extension of a service quality model consisting of teacher quality per-ception represented by factors of assurance, empathy, responsiveness, and reliability, the quality of the Learning Management System (LMS) represented by usa-bility and informativeness, and the quality of lecture materials represented by learning contents. Data collected were analyzed with SmartPLS, using a partial least squares-structural equation model (PLS-SEM). Contribution This research contributes to knowledge in the field of information systems, espe-cially the management of e-learning as an online learning media. Most e-learning research only involves one aspect, for example, teacher quality or service quality. This research investigates several dimensions including teacher quality, LMS qual-ity, and content quality, resulting in a model that incorporates several aspects. Findings The findings of this research indicate that content quality, teacher quality (empa-thy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance), and LMS quality (usability and in-formativeness) have a significant influence on the quality of e-learning based on the students' perceptions. However, LMS quality does not have a significant ef-fect on satisfaction. The quality of e-learning and user satisfaction are found to have a significant and positive effect on user intention to engage in e-learning. The findings of this study suggest that satisfaction is very influential and has a higher value than e-learning quality in relation to students' intention to use e-learning. Recommendations for Practitioners The significant influence of the constructs investigated in this research could shape strategies and approaches that are adopted to enhance e-learning service quality and increase the success of e-learning development and implementation, resulting in higher interest in e-learning services, especially in Indonesian higher education. Recommendations for Researchers This work offers a theoretical understanding of e-learning service quality in a higher education institution. We recommend that fellow researchers consider LMS quality, content quality, and user satisfaction as important factors which in-fluence the quality of e-learning services. Impact on Society For universities, this research provides insights into important indicators of e-learning service quality so that the success of e-learning development and imple-mentation can increase e-learning users' interest in using e-learning services. Future Research Future studies focusing on e-learning services should incorporate indicators of LMS quality, content quality, and user satisfaction as important factors that influ-ence the quality of e-learning services. Our research is limited to the e-learning of one university in Indonesia. The research might be expanded to a larger scale, in-cluding all regions in Indonesia which are represented by several public and private universities.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4489
Pages (from-to)259-286
Number of pages28
JournalJournal of Information Technology Education: Research
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • E-learning
  • E-learning quality
  • Indonesian higher education
  • Service quality
  • ServQual model
  • Student perspectives


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