Value Adding Design Functions for Smart Homes: A Value Engineering Approach

Gunawan, Roselina Petty, Mustika Sari, Mohammed Ali Berawi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Automation technology has significantly impacted several industries in the modern period, driven by improvements in information technology that provide numerous benefits to enhance human activities. The smart home is a key design concept that utilizes technological advancements to incorporate connected devices that can communicate seamlessly within the home and with its residents, creating an environment of enhanced interaction and connectivity. The adoption of the smart home concept, particularly in developing Indonesia, is still limited despite its potential benefits. There is a widespread perception that homes with smart technology are generally more costly than conventional ones. Therefore, this study aims to close the gap by proposing transforming conventional homes into smart homes using the Value Engineering (VE) approach. The objective is to go beyond just integrating technology and instead enhance the domestic area with added value in comfort, convenience, security, efficiency, and innovation while carefully considering the added value. This study seeks to clarify the multiple benefits of smart home technology by conducting a comprehensive literature study and detailed VE analysis. The findings highlight the capability of smart technology to improve energy efficiency, safety, and user convenience, as well as transform residential spaces with flexible and multipurpose designs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2149-2158
Number of pages10
JournalCivil Engineering and Architecture
Issue number3A
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • Design
  • Smart Home
  • Value Engineering


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