Validity Test of the Indonesia Version of Revised American Pain Society Outcome Questionnaire (APS-POQ-R) to Evaluate Postoperative Management Quality

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Introduction: The Revised American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire (APS-POQ-R) is the most commonly used instrument to assess the quality of pain management in many countries but the validity and reliability of this instrument has not been verified in Indonesia. Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional psychometric study to test the validity and reliability of Indonesia version of APS-POQ-R instrument to evaluate postoperative pain management quality. The APS-POQ-R was translated into Bahasa Indonesia according to international guidelines. The translation result was tested in 102 patients who underwent elective surgery at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from March to April 2017. Coefficient Aiken formula was used for content validity test while factor analysis and corrected item total correlation were used for construction validity test. Reliability was tested using internal consistency (Chronbach . Results: Aiken V formula showed the Indonesian version of APS-POQ-R was valid with score of 0.8–1 (scale V was ≥0.5). Factor analysis generated five main factors out of 18 instrument questions: activity and sleep disturbances, impact of pain to emotion, side effects, pain management perception, and pain scale. Construction validity test with corrected item total correlation showed all questions has good correlation, which ranged between 0.244–0.799 (correlation ≥0.3). Correlation between each factors of the Indonesian version of APS-POQ-R ranged 0.319–0.407. Internal consistency test showed the Indonesian version of APS-POQ-R was reliable with score of 0.663 ( > 0.5). Conclusion: The Indonesian version of APS-POQ-R is valid and reliable to measure postoperative pain management quality.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6274–6279
JournalAdvanced Science Letters
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018


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