Using flash cards to engage Indonesian nursing students in reflection on their practice

Dessie Wanda, Cathrine Fowler, Valerie Wilson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Reflective practice is now widely used as a critical learning tool in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programs in most developed countries. However in developing countries, reflective practice is in its infancy. Aim: To introduce reflective practice to postgraduate students in an Indonesian nursing education institution. This paper presents the positive meanings of reflection and reflective practice experienced by the students and the way they used reflection within their practice. Design: A descriptive qualitative study was conducted to explore the meaning of reflection or reflective practice using flashcards. Method: A clinical reflective practice model taking into consideration Indonesian culture was developed and applied during students' clinical placement. A few weeks post clinical placement, 21 students participated in an evaluation session. The meaning of reflection or reflective practice was explored using flash cards containing images of people and environment with different situations and events. Students were asked to choose a card that represented their viewpoints about reflective practice and share it with the group. Data were digitally captured and analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings: Reflection provided a positive experience for the students. In their own words, they discussed their journey of using reflection during the clinical placement period. The use of reflection was identified as expanding their view of nursing practice, providing a safe place to explore their experiences and clarity when they encountered challenging situations during their clinical practice. Reflecting on practice experiences resulted in increased self-awareness, and enhanced their learning. Conclusion: The findings indicate that reflective practice can be implemented successfully in Indonesia and may have value for other Eastern countries that share similar cultural characteristics. The use of flash cards assisted the students describe through stories their experiences of participating in this reflective practice program.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-137
Number of pages6
JournalNurse Education Today
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2016


  • Creative
  • Eastern
  • Flashcards
  • Indonesia
  • Model
  • Reflection
  • Student


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