User Acceptance Towards Virtual Reality for Basic Life Supports Teaching in a Multi Professional Education Context

Diantha Soemantri, Uti N. Sari, Aldy Heriwardito, Luthfi S. Arif

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: To examine students’ acceptance of basic life support (BLS) virtual reality (VR). The study’s aim is based on the first level of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model. Method: A cross-sectional study examined at Health Sciences Cluster (HSC) students’ acceptance of BLS VR used in a multi-professional course conducted in the HSC Universitas Indonesia, in 2023. A total of 759 first-year HSC students from five professions/schools (medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and public health) were recruited in this study. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with maximum likelihood and varimax rotation was used to assess the questionnaire’ construct validity. An open ended question was provided at the end of the questionnaire to explore in more depth the students’ perceptions. Quantitative and thematic analyses were carried out sequentially. Results: A total of 288 respondents completed the questionnaire with a 37.94% response rate. Initial criteria were fulfilled with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) ¼ 0.968 and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity ¼ 7944.023 (210), p ¼ 0.000. Two factors or subscales, “useable technology” and “spatial understanding”, were extracted from the questionnaire with the overall scale’s reliability of 0.981. Students’ acceptance towards the BLS VR was mostly positive. Four themes were identified based on the open-ended responses which include 1) quality of the BLS VR, 2) logistics to run the BLS VR learning sessions, 3) benefits of VR in learning BLS skills, and 4) limitations of BLS VR. Conclusion: Students perceive VR equipment as an easy-to-use, beneficial computer-assisted learning tool. Maintaining students’ perception towards the use of VR in learning activities may be related to the VR’ effectiveness and efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)340-350
Number of pages11
JournalHealth Professions Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Anatomy
  • Basic life support
  • Multi-professional
  • Perception
  • Virtual reality


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