Adi Wibowo, Nadira Retno Abisha, Revi Hernina, Eko Kusratmoko, Ratna Saraswati

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Urban heat hazard is the temperature in an urban area of more than 30oC and impacts humans. The local climate zone (LCZ) is based on the composition of developed and vegetated areas and represents air surface temperature (AST) and Land Surface Temperature (LST). The study aims to develop an urban heat hazard model based on LCZ. The study used high-resolution multi-spectral imagery. The spatial analysis uses the green open area, land cover change, LST, and AST ground through a survey. Those all used to develop LCZ. Based on the thermal band Landsat Imagery, the LCZ developed 1.000 x1.000 meters. The result found that the land cover change affected the temperature rise + 3oC. The second was found adequate in the previous study that vegetation-covered is the lowest temperature, both AST and LST, with temperatures>32oC. The third is due to Vegetation Cover from Land Cover, LST, and AST was generated model spatial of LCZ. The LCZ is divided into five classes based on the percentage of vegetation cover, with the majority of LCZ 4 as vegetation covering only 20%. Based on the Universal Thermal Climate Index and Effective Temperature Index to generate the Urban Heat Hazard (UHH) model spatial based on LCZ. The UHH value with high hazard regarding the temperature> 35oC. This study concluded that LCZ determines the UHH in the area regarding urban heat signature (AST and LST).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)96-103
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of GEOMATE
Issue number103
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


  • Air surface temperature
  • Land surface temperature
  • Local Climate Zone
  • Urban heat hazard
  • Urban heat signature


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