Unveiling Indonesia's migration and border governance: Challenges and imperatives post-pandemic

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Indonesia's migration policy and border control strategy have given rise to complexities and weaknesses in both the COVID-19 period and its aftermath. This study examines the post-pandemic landscape of migration and border dynamics in Indonesia, investigating challenges posed by the Indonesian selective migration policy, emerging trends and patterns of people mobility, refugee inflows. Indonesia's migration policy and border management lack defined policy structures, political stands, and inadequate attention to emerging trends. International migration trends rise in Indonesia, although initially promising, it brings to light significant challenges such as irregular migration patterns, evolving cybercrime modus operandi, and transnational crime implications. The evolving global context requires a balance between facilitating movement, ensuring security, and promoting sustainability. We suggest four concepts for the migration and border control policy and concepts in Indonesia after the pandemic era.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101202
JournalSocial Sciences and Humanities Open
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • Border control
  • Cross-border dynamics
  • Nusantara
  • Post-pandemic migration
  • Refugee influx


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