Trust-Building and Social Support in the Online Social Movement Among Victims of Sexual Violence

Dinna Khairina, Endah Triastuti

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper attempts to analyze the role of an online social media movement in obtaining social support for women victims of violence. To mobilize and run a social movement in the online world effectively, we believe that trust-building is needed to create collective identity and collective action and also to support the three elements of a social movement (Campaign, Repertoire, and WUNC [Worthiness, Unity, Number, and Commitment]) (Carty, 2018). In this literature review, authors use a term and a model of trust in from Lewicki and Bunker (1996) to analyze the online movement as a positive space for social support among netizens and sexual violence victims. The authors believe that the trust-building model in the virtual community can also be implemented to achieve the movement’s goals and to encourage victims of sexual violence to seek support through an online social movement.


  • Social Movement
  • Trust
  • Social Support
  • Sexual Violence
  • Women Against Violence


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