Total Maximum Daily Load of the Curug Sub-district Segment of the Cirarab River, Indonesia

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Although The Cirarab River has a highly polluted status, it is used as a source for clean and drinking water for people in Tangerang City. Pollution occurs due to poor river quality management. This study examines the Total Maximum Daily Load/TMDL of The Cirarab River at The Curug Subdistrict Segment using QUAL2Kw with two modelling scenarios. The first scenario was used to obtain the existing load, and the second scenario was used to determine TMDL. The existing loads results obtained were 12,032.26 kgBOD/day and 48,946.69 kgCOD/day. The TMDL results obtained were 2,234.30 kgBOD/day and 18,619.20 kgCOD/day. The existing loads entering each subsegment have exceeded TMDL that they need to be reduced. TMDL calculation is useful as a basis for an effective river management strategy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number02010
JournalE3S Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2020
Event5th International Conference on Energy, Environmental and Information System, ICENIS 2020 - Semarang, Indonesia
Duration: 12 Aug 202013 Aug 2020


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