Topographic anatomy and intraoperative USG-guided foreign bodies extraction of neglected Molotov cocktail victim: A rare case report

Muhammad Ade Junaidi, Fajar Defian Putra, Marcel Prasetyo, Aryo Winartomo, Chintya Mutiara Sari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction and significance: Foreign body implantation resulting from explosive devices is an extraordinary occurrence that often leads to substantial morbidity among the affected individuals. Explosions caused by such devices generate a rapidly propagating blast wave emanating from the point of detonation. This study aims to present a case involving a patient who experienced multiple foreign body implantations as a consequence of a bomb explosion. Case presentation: A 41-year-old male presented with a history of multiple foreign bodies retained within his body for the past 22 years, originating from a homemade explosive device. At present, he reports weakness in his lower extremities, numbness extending from the umbilical region down to the lower extremities, and fecal incontinence. The patient underwent a surgical procedure for the removal of these foreign bodies, guided by ultrasonography (USG), which lasted for a duration of 12 h. Clinical discussion: The presence of foreign bodies within the human body incites an inflammatory response. In preparation for surgery, topographic anatomy is delineated through the use of pre-operative CT scans to ascertain the precise locations of these foreign bodies. Subsequently, the removal of these foreign bodies is executed under the guidance of ultrasound. Conclusion: The extraction of multiple foreign bodies from a patient's body is an infrequent surgical procedure. Meticulous surgical planning, aided by the utilization of X-rays and CT scans for topographic anatomical mapping, is imperative. Employing real-time ultrasound guidance during the procedure serves to minimize blood loss and mitigate potential damage to adjacent structures, thereby enhancing patient safety and reducing the likelihood of surgical complications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109009
JournalInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Foreign bodies
  • Molotov cocktail
  • Topographic anatomy
  • USG-guided extraction


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