Tobacco leaves pyrolysis for repellent active compound production

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31 Citations (Scopus)


Tobacco is the major raw material for cigarettes production. It is known to have a big potential as a pesticide or repellent. On the other side, commercial mosquito repellent which is used by public, contain DEET as its active compound, a synthetic substance which can be absorbed to human body and cause some systemic poisoning. This research study further potential of repellent on tobacco leaves, to make a repellent that is safe for human. Bio-oil was extracted from tobacco leaves using fast pyrolysis at temperature of 500oC, 600oC, and 700oC to evaluate the effect of temperature. Bio-oil was then made into bio-mass based repellent. Bio-oil was characterized using GCMS, while the repellent was tested directly to human to evaluate the effects on the skin and the effectivity as a repellent. Optimum yield of bio-oil was found on 600oC at 24% wt. The active compound of repellent found was nicotine, d- Limonene, indole, and pyridine. Nicotine was the highest substance from biooil at 31,1%; 16,7%; and 18,92%, respectively. Bio-oil was added to repellent mixture as active compound with different concentration (0%; 0,5%; 1,5%; and 3%), all in %wt. Repellent tested showed a desired result, where not only the repellent didn’t take effect on human skin, the effectivity of each concentration was 38,09%; 45,82%; 46,41%; and 57,07%, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9739-9750
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Bio-Oil
  • Mosquito Repellent
  • Pesticide
  • Pyrolysis
  • Tobacco Leaves


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