Tinjauan kualitas informasi sistem pembelajaran e-learning scele.ui.ac.id (studi kasus: mahasiswa bidang administrasi program vokasi UI)

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Universitas Indonesia has many applications of management information systems(MIS). One of them is the instructional media scele.ui.ac.id. Scele.ui.ac.id is used by many lectures of IT-based courses or they who attended the scele.ui.ac.id training. This study aims to explain the quality of information output from scele.ui.ac.id. Three aspects that were tested in this study are: Form Aspect, Fill Aspect and Time Aspect. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach, is research that describes a collection of data on the observations that have been made. The population in this study is students of Administration UI Vocational Program year 2014-2016. Based on these results it can be concluded that the quality output of scele.ui.ac.id is good.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)87-100
JournalJurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2017


  • Information systems, Quality of information

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