Three-Delay Model on Maternal Mortality Cases in Tertiary Referral Hospital in Indonesia

Junita Indarti, Affan Solihin, Arresta V. Suastika, Dyah P. Wardhani, Muhammad T. Ramadhani, Quamila F. Afdi, Syifa M. Syafitri, Muhammad Ikhsan, Kristian Alda

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Maternal mortality remains a worldwide concern to this day. Three main causes of maternal mortality during 2010–2013 were hemorrhage, hypertension, and infection, which all of them are the direct causes. The high MMR is also due to the presence of 3 delay which is Delay in seeking assistance (type–1), delay in identifying and accessing medical center (type–2) and delay in having prompt treatment (type–3) . Therefore, this study aims to describe maternal mortality cases in tertiary hospital which is Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH) so that the root of problems in maternal deaths can be discovered and improvements can be done in the future. This was a descriptive study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at CMH, Jakarta. Data collection was taken from 2016 – 2018 where subjects were taken from secondary data on maternal mortality. Based on the data that has been collected in CMH total live births in Emergency Department CMH during 2016-2018 which was 4.226 cases. There was 22 maternal death cases (0.52%). Most deaths were occurred in 2017 (50% of all cases). Indirect causes of maternal mortality were the leading cause in this study, including septic shock, hypovolemic shock due to Dengue Shock Syndrome, cardiogenic shock, and acute respiratory failure. Three delay models were three main factors contributing to maternal mortality interrelated and influenced by other factors with delay in looking for assistance and treatment (31,8%) was the upmost factor of maternal mortality. More than half maternal deaths in CMH during 2016 – 2018 caused by indirect causes. Among three delay models, delay in looking for assistance and treatment was the upmost factor of maternal mortality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-104
JournaleJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2021


  • maternal mortality
  • three-delay model


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