The Utilization of Additional Cassava Starch (Manihot utilisima) for Alginate Dental Impression Material

Ali Noerdin, Bambang Irawan, Mirna Febriani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In Indonesia alginate which is a common impression material used in dentistry is still imported. Since the economic crisis in 1998 the alginate price becoming four times more expensive. This situation resulted in efforts to modify the commercial alginate as had been conducted by a dentist in South Sumatera province in Indonesia. He who had added cassava starch into the commercial alginate used to make partial denture impression. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of additional cassava starch into the commercial alginate on its ability to produce reproduction detail using type III gypsum the amont of 120 specimens were divided into 6 group of various additional cassava starch 45–55%. The specimens then being impressed with detail reproduction tool (ISO No. : 1563/1978) and the result is then analyzed under a stereo microscope. Conclusion: the alginate impression material with cassava starch with ratio up to 47,5% can be used as an impression in 50μm and 75μm in depth line.

Original languageEnglish
JournalMakara Journal of Health Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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