The usage of corn cob waste to remediate paddy soil contaminated by endosulfan

Elisabeth Srihayu Harsanti, Haryoto Kusnoputranto, Mateus Suparmoko, Asep Nugraha Ardiwinata, Anicetus Wihardjaka, Asep Kurnia

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


About 40.78 percent of paddy soils in Jombang, East Java Province is contaminated by endosulfan.. Endosulfan insecticide is persistent, bio-accumulative, and extremely toxic for biota particularly fish. This study aims to provide solutions for improving endosulfan contaminated soils using corn cob waste. Agricultural waste of corn cob in the form of biochar has the potency to be utilized as remedial for endosulfan which contaminated soils and as the fertilizer of paddys soils. The research results showed that (1) the field study potentially holds corn cob waste of 13,270 tons per year which is equivalent to 3551.25 tons of biochar, (2) the corn cob biochar has the best characteristic compared to other biochars of agricultural waste, and (3) the application of biochar 400 kg ha-1 combined compost (1:4) can remediate 8.88 ha (126%) of heavy contamination area or remediate 56% of contaminating (>MRLs) and (<MRLs) areas. This research highlights the potency of corn cob waste to be used by farmers in Jombang District to recovery almost half of the total endosulfan contaminated paddy soil in the area which can be applied in the other area with a similar ecological characteristic. The corn cob biochar technology usage combined to compost could reduce endosulfan residue and also increase paddy soils fertility, and finally increase rice grain yield.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Biology and Applied Science, ICOBAS 2019
Editors Romaidi, Didik Wahyudi, Retno Novvitasari Hery Daryono, Eriyanto Yusnawan, Akira Kikuchi
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735418608
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2019
EventInternational Conference on Biology and Applied Science 2019, ICOBAS 2019 - Malang, Indonesia
Duration: 13 Mar 201914 Mar 2019

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


ConferenceInternational Conference on Biology and Applied Science 2019, ICOBAS 2019


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