The usability of locally-made miniplate and screw compared to the existing imported miniplate and screw

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Open reduction and internal fixation using miniplate and screw is still the best treatment of displaced facial fracture with functional impairment and cosmetic deformity. However, imported miniplate and screw currently widely used are highly costly. Therefore, a locally-made miniplate and screw which is cost-efficient and has the same quality with the imported brand is introduced. This study aims to evaluate the usability of locally-made miniplate and screw in comparison with the imported miniplate and screw. Cross over experimental study was conducted with sixteen plastic surgery residents randomized to receive both locally-made and imported miniplate and screw and placed them on the inferior orbital rim of polyurethane skull model. Time to complete the placement was recorded. Each subject received questionnaire to evaluate the usability of miniplate and screw in terms of operator's comfort, screw fit to screwdriver, plate bending, and self-taping of the screw. Subsequently, two craniofacial consultants were given scoring sheet to evaluate the stability and the adaptability of each miniplate and screw. The results showed that the usability of locally-made miniplate and screw was not inferior compared to the imported brand. Nevertheless, the self-taping feature of locally-made screw may be improved to produce better quality.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication3rd Biomedical Engineering''s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the International Symposium of Biomedical Engineering, ISBE 2018
EditorsPraswasti P.D.K. Wulan, Misri Gozan, Sotya Astutiningsih, Ghiska Ramahdita, Radon Dhelika, Prasetyanugraheni Kreshanti
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735418226
Publication statusPublished - 9 Apr 2019
Event3rd International Symposium of Biomedical Engineering''s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices, ISBE 2018 - Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 6 Aug 20188 Aug 2018

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference3rd International Symposium of Biomedical Engineering''s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices, ISBE 2018


  • maxillofacial
  • miniplate
  • osteosynthesis
  • screw


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