The Sufistic Thoughts of Nashruddin Hodja In The Works of Comical Tales

Ayis Mukholik, Muhammad Luthfi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This research describes the sufistic thoughts which can be used as a medium for spiritual therapy. The object of this research is focused on examining and analyzing the moral and spiritual messages implied in Hodja’s comical tales. The objective is to understand the sufistic thoughts which are then formulated as a science to cleanse the soul and increase the piety towards God. In general, sufistic thoughts are divided into two; Sunni tasawwuf which examines the purification of the soul and a philosophy based on philosophical tasawwuf. Tasawwuf teaching is often found in literature. Literature and tasawwuf are two things which posses a mutualistic relationship. Nashruddin Hodja, a Sufi from Turkey, had been implementing his tasawwuf science in comical literature. Thus, the formulation of the problem are 1) what are the moral messages implied in the tales?, and 2) how does the influence of Hodja's Sufistic thoughts towards psychological treatment? In order to the answer these questions, this research uses qualitative method, which is by examine the religious texts that tells about the spiritual life of Hodja. The result of this research shows that Nashruddin Hodja has a mindset which is oriented in morality and ethics. He raised topics regarding attitudes toward God as well as individual and social ethics. His comical tales contain high moral and spiritual values for moral education of the society.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies, ICSGS 0218, October 24-26, 2018, Central Jakarta, Indonesia - Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 24 Oct 201826 Oct 2018


ConferenceProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies, ICSGS 0218, October 24-26, 2018, Central Jakarta, Indonesia


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