The Role of Blood Pressure Towards Radiopaque Stone Formation in Urolithiasis Patients

Ikhlas arief Bramono, Nur Rasyid, Widi Atmoko, Ponco Birowo

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Identifying stone composition and its risk factor is pivotal in managing urolithiasis. Despite proven correlation between metabolic syndrome and stone formation, the specific role of hypertension as a part of metabolic syndrome has not been well studied. Our study was aimed to explore the association between hypertension and stone opacities in urolithiasis. This cross-sectional study was conducted by collecting urolthiasis patients data registry whom underwent Extra-corporeal Shock Wave Length (ESWL) procedure between January 2008 to December 2015 in Department of Urology Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Data collected were baseline characteristic, blood pressure, cumulative stone diameter (CSD), radiographic opacity status and stone size. There were 4354 patients who undergone ESWL procedure on January 2008–December 2015. Mean age was 47.35 years old (18 to 89 years old). Male-to-female ratio was 2:1. Body- Mass-Index (BMI) mean was 24.44 kg/m2 (13.28 to 47.75 kg/m2 ). Pre-hypertension and hypertension were found in 3806 patients (87.41%). Radioopaque stones were found in 3785 patients (86.90%). The Cumulated Stone Diameter (CSD) were 10 mm (0.8 to 97 mm). Normotensive group has significantly lower age, BMI, and smaller CSD compared to its counterpart. Patients high blood pressure tend to have radioopaque stone rather than radiolucent stone (OR = 1.68; 95% CI 1.331 to 2.128; p = 0.001). The probabilities of patients with high blood pressure to have radioopaque stone were 62.69%. Our study revealed that patients with high blood pressure are more likely to develop radioopaque stone of the urinary tract.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6972-6975
JournalAdvanced Science Letters
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2018


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