The risk analysis of environmental health due to exposure of benzo[a]pyrene in fish smoking process (Benzo[a] pyrene effect study on smoked fish industry workers in bandarharjo, semarang)

Nisrinah, Haryoto Kusnoputranto, Suyud Warno Utomo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Smoked fish is one of popular fish processed products in Indonesia. While smoke is one of problems in smoked fish industry. Benzo[a]pyrene is resulted by incomplete combustion. IARC stipulates benzo[a] pyrene as 2A category which means cancer cause in animals and probably also in humans. Analysis of health risk in smoked fish industry workers is needed in order to minimize the health risk. The aim of this research is to predict the health risk due to exposure of benzo[a]pyrene through inhalation on smoked fish industry workers. The research design uses environmental health risk analysis. The concentration value of benzo[a] pyrene in the air on 5 spots is <0.002 ppm or <0.02 mg/m3. The non-carcinogenic intake value (CDI) is 5.322 x 10-4 – 4.103 x 10-3 (mg/kg/day). The carcinogenic intake value (LADD) is 2.281 x 10-4 – 1.758 x 10-3 (mg kg/day). The non-carcinogenic risk value level is (RQ) 9.712 x 102 – 6.669 x 103. The carcinogenic health risk level is 7.070 x 10-4 – 5.451 x 10-3. The conclusion of this research is carcinogenic risk level (ECR) is >10-4 and non-carcinogenic health risk value level is > 1, so the value of RQ and ECR is categorized as risky. The work pattern of smoked fish workers is 8-10 hours/day, for 7-46 years, exposure frequency is 317-353 days/year and the weight of the respondents is around 42-98.5 kg.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)587-591
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2019


  • Benzo[a]pyerene
  • Health risk assessment
  • Smoked fish industry


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