The relation of e-government quality on public trust and its impact on public participation

Rizqa Nulhusna, Puspa Indahati Sandhyaduhita, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Kongkiti Phusavat

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

68 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: This paper aims to answer a major challenge in the success of electronic government (e-government) implementation, viz., public participation via continual use intention and electronic word-of-mouth (eWoM). This study tries to provide some control by examining the impact of e-government quality on public trust and with continual use intention and eWoM. This study adopts the eminent information systems (IS) success model and expands the trust dimension into a multi-dimensional trust. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected using questionnaires distributed among e-government service users in Indonesia. In total, 293 respondents were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings: Of the three IS success factors, namely, systems quality, information quality and service quality, the former two are found to have significant correlation with trust. Dispositional trust has a substantial relationship with institutional trust and interpersonal trust, whereas institutional trust has a significant correlation with interpersonal trust. Institutional trust exhibits direct relationship with continual use intention and eWoM, whereas interpersonal trust has a significantly correlation with only continual use intention. Research limitations/implications: This study suggests that it is plausible that user satisfaction could act as an intermediary between service quality and trust or between service quality and continual use intention. Thus, further research studies to examine satisfaction factor and its correlation with public acceptance are encouraged. Practical implications: Government agencies should focus on information quality and systems quality which have a significant relation with trust development. These should be more thorough and meticulous to provide complete, secure and easy-to-use e-government information. These should also facilitate eWoM because it plays an important role in disseminating e-government (services). Originality/value: This research provides a deeper and more accurate grasp on how public participation of e-government can be improved via trust.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)393-418
Number of pages26
JournalTransforming Government: People, Process and Policy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Continual use intention
  • Dispositional trust
  • E-government quality
  • Electronic word-of-mouth
  • Institutional trust
  • Interpersonal trust


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