The prevalence of cardiorespiratory fitness level (Vo2max), socio demography, risk factors and diseases among hajj pilgrim of Indonesia 2016 (1437H)

Zuchdi Zolaiha, Nasrin Kodim, Krisnawati Bantas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of Cardiorespiratory fitness level (CRF), Socio demography characteristic, risk factors and diseases of Indonesia hajj pilgrim 2016. Methods: all secondary data of cardiorespiratory fitness was collected from Siskohatkes 2016 - Computerized system of hajj health data - MOH with STATA 13 version. Descriptive analysis was used to find the risk of hajj pilgrims. Results: A total of 71686 completed all physical fitness from 152429 participant. Prevalence of cardiorespiratory fitness good level = 33.43%, Moderate level= 54.79%, and Poor level was 11.78%. Discussion: The fitness prevalence of Indonesian hajj pilgrims in 2016 found for fitness level = 33.43% good, 54.79% moderate, and 11.78% poor. In addition, 44.66% hajj pilgrims were employees, who were likely to have good physical activity. Similar what WHO founding (2015) Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the heart and blood vessels to function optimally in rest and exercise to take oxygen and distribute it to active tissue for use in the process of body metabolism (Permaesih, 2001). Table 4 above shown prevalence for obesity was 12.8% and overweigh was 35.46%. Conclusion: the proportion of most fitness status is Moderate level (54.79%), age 50-59 (35.55%), Medium Education level (35.46%), Households/employees (44.66%), female gender (54.82%). Hajj pilgrims with IMT overweight (35.46%), hypertension (71.34%), Anemia (21.53%). hyperglycemia (43.76%), Hajj pilgrims with high cholesterol (59.46%), waist circumference (59.46%), hajj behavior with smoking (13.23%). For pre-existing, circulatory disease rank was the highest (31.94%). For outpatient, respiratory diseases was the highest (53.20%), and inpatient rank (0.41%).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)369-373
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019


  • Cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Diseases
  • Hajj pilgrim
  • Prevalence
  • Risk factor


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