The potential of stem bark of kayu sarampa (Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) M. Roen)) as α-glucosidase inhibitor

Fitri Santy Budiarso, Berna Elya, Muhammad Hanafi, Roshamur Cahyan Forestrania

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the world is more than 230 million people, increases about 3% in a year. Kayu Sarampa or Nyirih batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) M. Roen) has traditionally been used to treat diabetic patient by native people in Ratahan, North Celebes, Indonesia. Therefore, this research was sequentially extracted bioactive component from stem bark of kayu sarampa showed alpha glucosidase inhibitor. Objective: To assess antioxidants and alpha glucosidase inhibitory activity of hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extract from stem bark of Kayu Sarampa. Method: The Stem bark was extracted with Reflux method using hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol as mobile phae/solvent. The Hexane Extract (HE), Ethyl Acetic Extract (EAE) and Methanol Extract (ME) were subjected to the antioxidant activity assay by the 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and the ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) method. Antidiabetic activity was determined by enzymatic alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. Results: The extract which had the highest activity based on the DPPH test and FRAP test was the ME compared with EAE, and HE with IC50 values of 16.51 μg/mL, 34.10 51 μg/mL, and 38.82 51 μg/mL, respectively. Ferrous equivalent antioxidant capacity (FeEAC) method, methanolic extract had a higher reduction capacity than the EH and EEA which were 148.96 μmol/gr, 48.96 μmol/gr, and 148.96 μmol/gr, respectively. The result showed that kayu sarampa stem bark exhibited antidiabetic activity due to its high inhibition compared with control (acarbose). ME showed inhibition of 53,11% followed with EAE 49,7%, HE 44,53%, and acarbose as control 29,32%.Conclusion: stem bark of kayu sarampa have bioactive component as alpha glucosidase inhibitor.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1368-1376
Number of pages9
JournalPharmacognosy Journal
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


  • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antioxidant
  • Kayu Sarampa


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