The potential of lunasin extract for the prevention of breast cancer progression by upregulating E-Cadherin and inhibiting ICAM-1

Kusmardi Kusmardi, Elvan Wiyarta, Numlil Khaira Rusdi, Andi Muh Maulana, Ari Estuningtyas, Hadi Sunaryo

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Research in natural substances for their anticancer potential has become increasingly popular. Lunasin, a soybean protein, is known to inhibit cancer progression via various pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Lunasin Extract (LE) on the expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and epithelial cadherins (E-Cadherin) in breast cancer. Methods: In this true-experimental in vivo study, 24 Sprague-Dawley rats that were induced by 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), were used. Based on the therapy given, the groups were divided into, normal, positive control (PC), negative control (NC), adjuvant, curative, and preventive. Lunasin was extracted from soybean seeds of the Grobogan variety in Indonesia. Tissue samples were obtained, processed, stained with anti-ICAM-1 and anti-E-Cadherin antibodies, examined under a microscope, and quantified using H-score. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, which was then followed by Duncan's test. Results: Statistically significant difference in ICAM-1 expression was observed between the following groups: adjuvant and NC, normal and NC, PC and NC, adjuvant and preventive, normal and preventive, PC and preventive, adjuvant and curative, normal and curative, PC and curative. E-Cadherin expression was significantly different between preventive and NC, adjuvant and NC, PC and NC, normal and NC, adjuvant and curative, PC and curative, normal and curative, normal and preventive. Significant negative correlation was found between ICAM-1 and E-Cadherin [-0.616 (-0.8165; -0.283)] with p = 0.001. Conclusion: Preventive dose of LE was able to reduce ICAM-1 expression while increasing E-Cadherin expression.

Original languageEnglish
Article number902
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Breast Cancer
  • Cancer Prevention
  • E-Cadherin
  • ICAM-1
  • Lunasin


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