The Importance of Early Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy in Inhalation Injury: A Case Report

Ferdinand A. Chandra, Rudyanto Sedono, Dis Bima Purwamidjaja, Rita Agustin

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Maintaining a patent airway is critical for treating patients with severe inhalation injuries. Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy (PDT) has been used effectively for many patients treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In addition to its safety for use at the bedside, according to Friedman et al. PDT has the same or even lower complication rate than surgical tracheostomy. PDT can be performed in a shorter time and is more cost-effective. Herein, we report a 44 year old obese woman who sustained an inhalation injury related to a burn. The patient fell headfirst into a pot of boiling water at the time of the burn. The patient showed signs of inhalation injury and suffered a second-to-third degree burn injury. She was treated in the ICU, and early PDT was performed. The procedure was performed by first locating the trachea, followed by a 1-cm incision made between the second and third tracheal ring. She was intubated successfully and treated in the ICU for 7 days. The anesthesiologist chose to perform an early PDT to prevent further complications. This procedure was done successfully despite many comorbidities from the patient, such as being an obese female and having a short neck, which makes finding the exact location for the incision challenging. In this case, the early decision to proceed with PDT showed promising results in decreasing the patient's mortality risk.

Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • inhalation injury
  • Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy


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