The Function of Inscription Tajuk I and II: An Analysis of Development of the PasruJambe Script

Chaidir Ashari, Ninie susanti Tedjowasono

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Majapahit is believed by some experts to have a center of power in eastern Java. Meanwhile, based on written data, Majapahit's territory includes central Java, eastern Java, the islands of Bali, and Lombok. In the collection of the National Museum, there are two inscriptions found in the Tajuk area, Salatiga, Central Java Province. At first glance, these two inscriptions consist of one inscription with the number of years on it. Interestingly, the two inscriptions have different shapes, but it can be seen that the inscriptions have the same sculptural elements. Therefore, the problem that arises is evidence of the presence of Majapahit in the central part of Java during the reign of the king in Majapahit. This study attempts to examine the relative chronology based on the contents of the inscriptions and the development of the ancient history of Majapahit. The epigraphic method is one of the research methodologies that will be carried out, considering that the main data are two-year number inscriptions. The historical chronology is carried out by developing the historiography of the Majapahit Kingdom in the 14th century AD. It is known that the Tajuk inscription was made during the reign of two rulers in Majapahit. However, based on the results of further analysis, the two rulers were queens who had ruled in Majapahit, namely Tribhuwana Tunggadewi and Suhita.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the fourth Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Arts and Humanities Stream (AHS-APRISH 2019)
Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2023


  • Tajuk
  • Epigraphy
  • Inscription
  • Majapahit


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