The experiment of magnesium ECAP miniplate as alternative biodegradable material (on male white New Zealand rabbits)

Siska Wiwanto, Lilies Dwi Sulistyani, Fourier Dzar Eljabbar Latief, Sugeng Supriadi, Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, Benny Sjarief Sjah Latief

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Study of biodegradations of Magnesium ECAP (Equal Channel Angular Pressing) miniplate in the osteosynthesis system has been used as a new material for plate and screw in oral and maxillofacial surgery. This miniplate and screw that were made of Magnesium ECAP were implanted in the femurs of New Zealand rabbits. The degradation process was detected through pocket gas that appeared in hard and soft tissues surrounding in the implanted miniplates and screws. From the changes on the tissues, we can assess the biodegradation process by measuring the gas pocket through micro-CT Scan. Upon the first month of study we euthanized the rabbits and made a micro-CT Scan to see how far the effect of the gas pocket was. Histological analyses were performed to investigate the local tissue response adjacent to the Magnesium ECAP miniplates. We analyzed the femur of a rabbit a month, three months, and five months after implantation. The result showed a degradation rate in the implanted Magnesium ECAP miniplate of 0.61±0.39 mm/year. Unlike the screws, miniplates have higher water content and blood flow than bone, therefore they degrade faster. This study shows promising results for further development of Magnesium ECAP and in the production of osteosynthesis material for rigid fixation in Oral and Maxillofacial skeleton.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2nd Biomedical Engineering�s Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the International Symposium of Biomedical Engineering, ISBE 2017
EditorsRadon Dhelika, Yudan Whulanza, Ghiska Ramahdita, Praswasti P.D.K. Wulan
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735416253
Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2018
Event2nd Biomedical Engineering's Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices, ISBE 2017 - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 25 Jul 201726 Jul 2017

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference2nd Biomedical Engineering's Recent Progress in Biomaterials, Drugs Development, and Medical Devices, ISBE 2017


  • Biodegradable
  • Magnesium ECAP
  • Micro-CT Scan
  • Miniplate


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