The efficiency and productivity of Public Services Hospital in Indonesia

Irwandy, Amal C. Sjaaf, Anhari Achadi, Mardiati Nadjib, Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Purnawan Junadi, Besral, Abdul Kadir, Supriyantoro, Harimat Hendrawan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: The purpose of the study was to assess the level of efficiency and productivity of the BLUD Hospital in South Sulawesi Province during the period of implementation of the National Health Insurance policy in Indonesia. Methods: This research used Data Envelopment Analysis method to assess the level of hospital efficiency and productivity. The population and sample were 25 BLUD hospitals in South Sulawesi Province. The data analyzed are hospital performance data for the period 2014–2017. Result: The results found that the average level of efficiency was 1.023. There are 14 hospitals (56%) inefficient and 11 hospitals (44%) efficient. The average hospital productivity growth rate is 4%. Conclusion: The role of technology, competitive human resources, good management systems, and strong leadership are needed for hospitals to improve their efficiency and productivity level.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)236-239
Number of pages4
JournalEnfermeria Clinica
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


  • DEA
  • Efficiency
  • Hospital
  • National Health Insurance
  • Productivity


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