The effect of elaboration type and repeated elaboration on false memory

Naiva Urfi Layyinah, Bunga Indira Artha, Mardiana Trisnia Aditya, Rizky Khairunnisa Al-Hadi, Syarifah Royani, Iga Winati, Ali Nina Liche Seniati

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This research examined whether elaboration type (conceptual and perceptual) and elaboration repetition affected the tendency to create false memories. A randomized 3 × 2 mixed factorial design was used to conduct the experiment on 71 Universitas Indonesia's undergraduate participants. The elaboration type was grouped using a between-subjects design, and the repeated elaboration (0-time repetition, 3 times repetition) was grouped using a within-subjects design. The participants, who were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (conceptual elaboration and perceptual elaboration) and one control group (no elaboration) were asked to watch a five-minute video and complete two questionnaires. Significant differences were found in the false memory scores as an effect of elaboration type, but not for elaboration repetition. This study's results can contribute to court applications and clinical psychology fields wherever a risk of false memory exists.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPsychological Aspects of Student Performance
Subtitle of host publicationLearning from Studies in an Indonesian Context
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781536174823
ISBN (Print)9781536168914
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2020


  • Conceptual elaboration
  • Elaboration repetition
  • Elaboration type
  • False memory
  • Perceptual elaboration


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