The Effect of Combination of Minimal Dosage Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and Javanese Long Pepper Extract Toward Sperms Concentration and Viability and Testosterone Level in Rat

Yurnadi, Yoel Asmida, Dwi Anita Suryandari, Nukman Helwi Moeloek

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Development of hormonal male contraception relied on suppression of spermatogenesis and reduced sperm concentration. Injection of minimal dosage of DMPA could inhibit spermatogenesis and testosterone secretion, and could an also cause degradation of sexual potency and libido. One of the drug plants that could stimulate formation endogen androgen is Javanese long pepper (JLP) (Piper retrofractum Vahl.), that have been proven to improve testosterone hormonal and coitus frequency. Objective of this research was to determine the effect of combination DMPA and JLP extract on concentration and viability of sperms, testosterone hormonal level, and body weight of rat (Rattus norvegicus L.). This research was using completely randomized design (CRD). Consist of one group of control and two groups of treatment. The first group of treatment is the castration rat that fed with JLP extract dosages 0; 0.94; 1.88; 2.82 and 3.76 mg. The second group of treatment is the injected rat with DMPA 1.25 mg and also fed with JLP. Injections of DMPA were done at week 0 and 12 of treatment and feeding of JLP extract given every day started from week 7 until 18 of treatment. There was decrease sperm concentration (p<0.05) at group of DMPA + 0.94 and 1.88 mg of JLP extract, but did not decreasing sperms viability (p>0.05). Combination DMPA + several dosages of JLP extract did not increase testosterone level of rat (p>0.05). Combination DMPA + several dosages of JLP extract did not influence of body mass index (p>0.05) of rat. Combination DMPA + 0.94 and 1.88 mg of JLP extract causes decreasing of the sperms concentration, but did not decrease sperm viability. Combination DMPA + several dosages of JLP extract did not increase testosterone level and influence body mass index of rat.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of the Indonesian Medical Association
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2010


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