The Effect of Career Exploration Behavior and Parent-Child Career Congruence on College Student Career Adaptability

Shafira Oktaviani Putri, Rose Mini Agoes Salim

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Career adaptability can help college students to face the tasks that will arise in the world of work. This study aims to examine the effect of career exploration behavior and parent-child career congruence on career adaptability simultaneously and to see which variables contribute more to career adaptability. The participants involved in this study were final semester college students, starting from sixth semester in four Indonesian cities, namely Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, with a total of 538
students. This study used a non-experimental cross-sectional research design because data was only taken once, and non-probability convenience sampling was used. The measuring instruments used are Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, Career Exploration Behavior, and The Adolescent-Parent Career Congruence. The data obtained were then analyzed using a multiple regression test. The results showed
that there was a simultaneous significant effect of career exploration behavior and parent-child career congruence on career adaptability. The results also show that career exploration behavior contributes
more to career adaptability than parent-child career congruence. The research results can be used for college students to improve the ability of career adaptability through exploration and congruence activities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)90-95
JournalJurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021


  • career adaptability
  • parent-child career congruence
  • collage students
  • career exploration behavior


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