The effect of acupuncture on tinnitus handicap inventory (THI) score in tinnitus patients

Harry, C. Simadibrata, A. Srilestari, W. Alviandi

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Tinnitus is the sensation of sound in the absence of any stimulation, electrical or mechano-acoustic, from the external environment. It typically occurs at least for five minutes and for more than once a week. The treatment of tinnitus has been empirical. The purpose of the present study was to determine the success rate of acupuncture in decreasing tinnitus handicap inventory scores (THI) in patients with tinnitus. Ten acupuncture therapy sessions were carried out in 16 patients and the mean THI scores were evaluated before and after the therapy. The success rate of the therapy was 56.3%. The mean THI score before the therapy was 30, which decreased to 21.63 after the therapy (p < 0.05). In summary, acupuncture decreased the THI scores in patients with tinnitus

Original languageEnglish
Article number062033
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2018
Event2nd Physics and Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry Symposium, PTMDS 2018 - Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Duration: 18 Jul 201818 Jul 2018


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