The correlation between age and periodontal diseases

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49 Citations (Scopus)


Periodontal disease is among the most prevalent oral diseases worldwide. There is a tendency for the disease to increase in severity as people age. Epidemiology data on periodontal disease can be used to create a treatment and prevention plan for the disease. However, in Indonesia, such data is still lacking. To discover the distribution of periodontal disease and investigate the correlation between age and periodontal disease among groups. Ethical approval gathered from The Ethical Committee of Dental Research (KEPKG). This study design is cross sectional, using 2,069 medical records (period 2004-2014). Age was classified into seven groups: early adolescence (12-16 years), late adolescence (17-25 years), young adult (26-35 years), late adult (36-45 years old), early elderly (46-55 years old), late elderly (56-65 years old) and senior (> 65 years). Chronic periodontitis is predominantly distributed in adolescence (59%), adults (73%) and seniors (82%). Certain types of periodontal disease have a tendency to link certain age groups. Gingival disease is mostly seen in late adolescence (35%), chronic periodontitis occurred among those in the early elderly group (23%), whereas aggressive periodontitis among late adults (33%). Significant difference (p=0.000) and positive correlation (r=0.251) were found between periodontal disease and age (Spearman's rho correlation test). The most prevalent form of periodontal disease is chronic periodontitis. Even though positive-weak-correlation was found, periodontal disease has a tendency to relate with age. This study might reveal the starting-age of disease initiation and the disease's progression pattern.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)327-332
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Age
  • Distribution
  • Medical record
  • Periodontal disease


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