The characterization of a cascade thermoelectric cooler in a cryosurgery device

Nandy Putra, Ardiyansyah, William Sukyono, David Johansen, Ferdiansyah N. Iskandar

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54 Citations (Scopus)


An experimental investigation using a Peltier thermoelectric cooler (TEC) to cool down a cryoprobe for cryosurgery was performed. Two prototypes of cryosurgery devices consisting of 5- and 6-stage TEC modules were analyzed using a variety of electrical voltages, circulating thermostatic bath (CTB) temperatures, and heat exchanger configurations to obtain an optimum cold side temperature and temperature differences between sides of the modules. To increase the heat exchanges at the hot side, a heat pipe system with a water block was used. Using an electric voltage of 12 V and a CTB temperature of 273.55 K, a cryogenic temperature of 177.09 K and a temperature difference of 99.87 K were achieved. These results indicate that the TEC module can be an effective cooling source for cryosurgery. The prototype has shown potential for clinical trials.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)759-764
Number of pages6
Issue number11-12
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010


  • C. Peltier effect
  • E. Thermoelectric
  • F. Cryosurgery


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