The association between therapeutic plasma exchange and the risk of mortality among patients critically ill with COVID-19: A meta-analysis.

Shinta Oktya Wardhani, Jonny Karunia Fajar, Gatot Soegiarto, Laksmi Wulandari, Helnida Anggun Maliga, Muhammad Ilmawan, Risna Merysa, Arlentina Bentivolia Simamora, Qurrata Aini, Komang Noviantari, Ayu Widya Lestari, Maria Yoheni Harnila, Imam Syafi'i, Jane Andrea Christiano Djianzonie, Nenci Siagian, Sri Nining, Risyda Zakiyah Hanim, Wahyuni Wahyuni, Fitri Aulia, Juliansyah JuliansyahReflin Mahmud, Fredo Tamara, Aditya Indra Mahendra, Amanda Cininta Wowor, Fikri Baladraf, Ponda Hernest Hadinata, Adhityari Ikkeputri, Hana Nadya, Dessy Aprilia Kartini, Milda Husnah, Firzan Nainu, Harapan Harapan

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Cytokine storm has been widely known to contribute to the development of the critical condition in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and studies had been conducted to assess the potential aspect of cytokine storm elimination by performing therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE). However, contradictory findings were observed. The objective of this study was to assess the association between TPE and the reduction of mortality of critically ill COVID-19 patients. Methods: A meta-analysis was conducted by collecting data from PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Data on the mortality rate of critically ill COVID-19 patients treated with TPE plus standard of care and that of patients treated with standard of care alone were analyzed using a Z test. Results: We included a total of four papers assessing the association between TPE and the risk of mortality among critically ill COVID-19 patients. Our findings suggested that critically ill COVID-19 patients treated with TPE had lower risk of mortality compared to those without TPE treatment. Conclusion: Our study has identified the potential benefits of TPE in reducing the risk of mortality among critically ill COVID-19 patients.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1280
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • COVID-19therapeutic plasma exchangecytokine stormtreatment


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