The application of remote sensing technology for environmental quality analysis of settlement in Bengkulu

D. A. Legowo, D. Susiloningtyas, Supriatna

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Environmental quality research was conducted in Bengkulu City which aims to determine the quality of the residential environment. the method used in this study is a combination of high-resolution image interpretation techniques (Google Earth) assisted by geographic information system technology (GIS). high-resolution images are used to identify objects that function as parameters. Then these parameters are given a rating or scoring to obtain an analysis of the environmental conditions of the settlement, by giving weights we can determine the level of ability based on the level of these parameters. The parameters used in this study were settlement density, settlement layout, and settlement location. Based on the study results, the quality of settlements in Bengkulu City is dominated by good category, especially in Muara Bangkahalu and Selebar subdistrict, these two subdistricts still have a lot of non-developed lands and are close to transportation access in the form of bus terminals and airports so it will attract people to live there. For suggestion, good planning is really needed to build a settlement, thus the settlements and environment quality can also be well preserved.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012014
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 4 Oct 2021
Event4th Life and Environmental Sciences Academics Forum, LEAF 2020 - Virtual, Online, Indonesia
Duration: 6 Nov 20207 Nov 2020


  • GIS
  • high resolution imagery
  • quality of settlements
  • Settlements


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