Tensile and flexural strength of ramie fiber reinforced epoxy composites for socket prosthesis application

A. P. Irawan, Tresna Priyana Soemardi,, Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, A. H.S. Reksoprodjo

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63 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study is to develop a socket prosthesis made from natural fibers, especially ramie fiber reinforced epoxy composite (RE). Development of socket prosthesis with RE was carried out as an attempt to substitute socket prosthesis with fiberglass polyester composites (FGP). The process of socket prosthesis production was conducted by using filament winding method. In this study tensile and flexural tests were applied to a specimen chopped from the prototype of socket prosthesis. As a comparison, separate tests applied to each socket prosthesis made of ramie polyester composites (RP) and FGP were conducted. The results showed that socket prosthesis made of RE has highest tensile and flexural strengths when compared to RP and FGP composite materials. The tensile strength and Young's Modulus of RE composite materials are 86 ± 6.07 MPa and 9.56 GPa. The flexural strength of RE composite materials is 103 ± 15.62 MPa. RE composite material have the potential to be further developed as an alternative material of socket prosthesis particularly for tensile and flexural properties which locally available, bio mechanically appropriate, can be designed as lightweight as possible, comfortable to be used and psychosocially acceptable.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)46-50
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Epoxy
  • Flexural strength
  • Ramie fiber
  • Socket prosthesis
  • Tensile strength


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