Tax Incentives For Indonesian Philanthropy: The Balance of Effectiveness of Pull Factor and The Role of The State

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This study aims to evaluate the tax policy on philanthropy in Indonesia. The data are analyzed using mixed approach. The findings of this study indicate that the lack of dynamics in current tax policy is not in harmony with the rapid development of increasingly varied philanthropic activities. Therefore, the donors and recipients face uncertainty related to taxation on philanthropy including tax treatment and tax incentives that can be obtained from the government. Applicable tax policies have not been able to provide incentives for various types of taxes. In other words, the policy of tax incentives on philanthropy activities has not been pull factor for the community to be more actively involved in philanthropy activities. Regulatory improvement is necessary, including accommodation of incentives for all types of taxes on philanthropy in Indonesia.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAl-Iqtishad Journal of Islamic Economics
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2019


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