Abdul Rasyid Sahar, Roy Valiant Salomo

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In SDGs regime, collaborative partnership used to reduce poverty. The rise of collaborative governance discourse is just because an involvement of the multiple stakeholders in multiple organizations across multiple jurisdictions who has it’s own understanding of the problem and solution differently. In this paper, we examine the implementation of collaborative governance and it's affected factors in Pinrang's poverty alleviation. Since 2016, local government initiated The Poverty Reduction Department (Bagian Penanggulangan Kemiskinan) as a special board for eradicating poverty by an integrative framework for collaborative governance. This board intended to assist on the Regional Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team (TKPKD), to integrate a number of poverty alleviation program, and also to merge the database differences between The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and TKPKD. However, while BPK has an important role to play, there are many conditions and settings that bother for driving progressively cyclical or iterative interactions between multiple stakeholders. In addition, the Pinrang poverty rate was increased in 2016 period. BPS announced that the number of people living below the poverty line was 256.054 in 2017 or 8,5 percent of the total population. This study argues that a lack of leadership and capacity buildings shape the prospects for and challenges of initiating and sustaining collaborative governance in Pinrang’s poverty alleviation program.
Original languageIndonesian
JournalThe Indonesian Journal of Public Administration (IJPA)
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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