Task-based selection of three-dimensional rotational angiography imaging modes using in-house phantom

L. E. Lubis, R. A. Basith, I. Hariyati, T. Mart, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: The presence of two modes of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3DRA), both intended for cranial applications with similar protocol names (‘cerebral’ and ‘head limited’ with no explanation on what the phrase ‘limited’ represent), had caused some degree of difficulty with the clinicians and radiographers on deciding which mode to select for which task. This study was aimed to use an in-house phantom to assist with this clinical issue of 3DRA usage in terms of mode selection. Methods: An in-house phantom was used in this study to further analyze and recommend selection. A variety of iodinated contrast agent (ICA) concentrations in the objects were used to simulate clinical images of cranial vessels. The Kerma-area product (KAP) was used as dose metric, while the signal difference to noise ratio (SDNR) of the artificial vessels was employed to represent image quality in terms of contrast. The x-ray spectrum analysis was performed for quantitative evaluation. Results: The non-standard ‘head limited’ mode is more suggestible for use. Additionally, the ‘low’ detail option provides the lowest KAP (due to low tube loading) but provided slightly higher SDNR compared to those from ‘normal’ detail option. A minimum concentration of 18.5 mg/ml of iodine is required to obtain the comparable SDNR with those of higher concentration when the ‘low’ detail option is selected. Conclusion: The ‘head limited’ mode with ‘low’ detail options is advisable for contrast-enhanced procedures. To ensure proper use of each mode, effective collaboration should be established between clinical users, medical physicists, and manufacturer's technical representatives. Implications for practice: Selection modes for 3DRA procedures have been made less subjective, following dose and image quality of each mode. Future issues can be addressed by collaborating with medical physicists.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)882-888
Number of pages7
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • 3DRA
  • Dose
  • Image quality
  • In-house phantom
  • Optimization


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