Tantangan dan Hambatan Implementasi Produk Uang Elektronik di Indonesia: Studi Kasus PT XYZ

Kirana Widyastuti, Putu Wuri Handayani, Iik Wilarso

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E-commerce development in Indonesia has been increasing since more online shops are established. The development of e-commerce triggers the use of e-payment as a payment instrument in online shops. XYZ company as one of the payment solution provider in Indonesia developed an electronic money product named M e-money. By the end of 2014, M e-money users had only reached the number of 1776 while the number of users targeted in the business plan was 142616. This research is intended to identify the barriers and challenges XYZ company faces in the implementation of M e-money. Data was collected through questionairres and interviews. The survey respondents consisted of 125 M e-money users where 93 of the respondents have used M e-money, and 32 of the respondents have never used M e-money. The qualitative data was collected through interviews to the M e-money team in XYZ company. Interviews were also conducted to 9 users of M e-money. The research concludes barriers and challenges faced by XYZ company in the implementation of M e-money. The barriers faced by the M e-money users are the limitation of merchants, limitation of access method, limitation of transaction channel, the cost of transaction, other e-money products existed, and socio-cultural factor. Barriers faced by the management are the lack of experience in B2C business and the difficulty of acquiring new M e-money users. These barriers leads to challenges faced by the company. The challenges faced by the company in the implementation of M e-money are the high competition among similar products, the influence of substitute products, and high expectation from users to have a safe, convenience, and trusted e-money services.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)38-48
JournalJurnal Sistem Informasi
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2017


  • e-payment, e-money, challenges, barriers

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