“Tanam bakau” as the environmental recovery program after tsunami of Sunda Strait in 2018: Empowering people for environmentally sustainable

R. Yuniati, C. Ikhsan, D. Purwati, D. S.H. Lubis, R. Aditiyo, F. R. Budiman, A. Said, R. Lestari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Tsunami that occurred in the Sunda strait area in 2018 ago, not only left humanitarian trauma but also major environmental damages. The area that was experiencing the most severe environmental damage is the coastal area, such as in the Sukajadi village, Carita, Banten. Therefore, an effort must be made to recovery these areas. “Tanam bakau” program is the environmental recovery program which initiated by Universitas Indonesia community engagement team that can be one of the solutions to the problems. By empowering villager of Sukajadi, 1.000 mangrove seedlings are planted in the area around the river estuary. This area has been known take a big role in the ecosystem and also very important to block the waves. The program not only can give effect to the environmental but also economic empowerment by the development of eco-tourism program in the future.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)288-293
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Issue numberSpecial Issue 2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


  • Environmental recovery
  • Mangrove
  • Tsunami


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