Synthesis of carbon nanotube-titania composite for application in a self-cleaning self-sterilizing diaper

Febrian Tri Adhi Wibowo, Rahmita Diansari, Shofiyyah Taqiyyah, Slamet

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


A carbon nanotube-titania (CNT-TiO2) composite that coats diapers has been synthesized and tested for the removal of ammonia (self-cleaning test) and Candida albicans fungi (self-sterilizing test), which cause unpleasant odors and candidiasis disease, respectively. The composite was characterized by FTIR, FESEM-EDX, XRD, and UV-Vis DRS. Results of XRD and UV-Vis DRS measurement showed that the CNT-TiO2 composite has a high crystalline and low band gap. The results of the self-cleaning and self-sterilizing tests showed that the optimum composition of the composite was 1-3 wt% of CNT and 97-99 wt% of TiO2. Acid treatment at pH 1 was accompanied by ultrasonic agitation in appropriate conditions for composite synthesis. Within 2 hours of testing, the modified diapers, at the optimum composite composition, can remove ammonia and C. albicans by 91% and 98%, respectively. The experimental results showed that ammonia and fungi on the modified diapers were removed up to the standard minimum values required to prevent odor and diaper rash.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)291-301
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Technology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Ammonia
  • CNT
  • Candida albicans
  • Composite; TiO


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