Surface Deformation due to the 2017-2018 Agung Volcano Eruption from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Sentinel-1 TOPS

Suwarsono, D. Triyono, M. R. Khomarudin, Rokhmatuloh

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper described the application of Sentinel-1 TOPS (Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) to analyze the surface deformation of the Agung Volcano due to 2017-2018 eruption. Agung volcano is an active stratovolcano located in eastern part of Bali island. We processed the interferometric from a pair of Sentinel-1A each representing before and after eruption periods. The results of this research showed that the eruption of Agung Volcano during 2017-2018 has caused surface deformation. The deformation that occurs was related to changes in land surface due to lava and pyroclastic deposits resulting from the eruption process in the area around the crater and the northern slope.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012055
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2020
Event2nd International Conference on Electronics Representation and Algorithm: Innovation and Transformation for Best Practices in Global Community, ICERA 2019 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 12 Dec 201913 Dec 2019


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