Suitable diet with anti-oxidant food have a good effect to embryo quality resulting from assisted reproductive technology and the increase of sperm quality of infertile male especially with asthenozoospermia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The purpose of this research was to assess the correlation between antioxi-dant and male infertility. The study also sought to investigate the role antiox-idants play in ensuring that male people can produce the right amount of sperms, perfect sperm mobility and quality embryo. Literature views were done using PubMed, Cochrane electronic database, Medline, Oxford academic, NCBI, PopLine, EMBASE, and Trip Pro. Keywords used included antioxidants, sperm function, pregnancy rate, semen, and male infertility. The cases had a lower BMI of 19.9 against 26.1 and total energy intake of 1705.3 against 1935.8. Importantly, as it was expected because of the study design the sperm mobility in the cases was lower than in the controls. The highest tertile of the whole vegetables and fruits was associated with a low risk of asthenozoosper-mia. The subgroups of vegetables mainly increase of tomatoes, and dark green vegetables were associated with a low risk of asthenozoospermia. Fruits and vegetables were considered as the primary sources of fibre intake in the population for the study. In the high research intake of processed meat mainly those that have high saturated fat it was evident there was reduced sperm mobility. It is concluded in the study that the consumption of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and minerals is the best way men can use to improve their fertility. Too much protein in the body found by eating dairy products, sweets and processed meat only makes people develop lifestyle illnesses such as obesity which increases infertility in men.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3595-3600
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2020


  • Asthenozoospermia
  • Infertility
  • Male fertility
  • Nutrition


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