Study to Enhance Tantalum and Niobium Contents in Bangka Tin Slag by NaOH and HClO4 Leaching

Shiva F. Vincia, Sulaksana Permana, Ahmad Maksum, Johny W. Soedarsono, Kurnia S. Widana, Kurnia Trinopiawan, Badrul Munir

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Indonesia is rich in tin ores. Slags from processing of tin ores naturally contain substantial amount of valuable metals, in this case tiobium and tantalum. This research explores how niobium and tantalum contents in local Bangka tin slag can be enhanced using NaOH and HClO4leaching reagents. First, Bangka tin slag was NaOH-leached and, then, the slag underwent HClO4leaching. Before undergoing any processes, the contents of niobium and tantalum in Bangka tin slag were 0.47% and 0.23%, respectively. After passing two leaching processes, niobium and tantalum contents reached 1.28% and 0.79%, respectively.


  • Bangka tin slag
  • HClO4
  • Leaching
  • NaOH
  • Niobium
  • Tantalum


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