Study on the carbon emission evaluation in a container port based on energy consumption data

Muhammad Hanzalah Huzaifi, Muhammad Arif Budiyanto, Simon Juanda Sirait

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30 Citations (Scopus)


Increase as much as 87oC every year. Nowadays, 90% of the transportation for industry is done by sea. There are two components sharing the most vital role in sea transportation, i.e. ships and ports. This research focused on the calculation of the emissions in the whole process in the ports, which covered berthing, the unloading processes, transfer from piers to stacking spots, stacking and vice-versa. The method of this research involved collecting the data of the ports' performances for one year, which covered berthing, equipment and utility, fuel consumption, and electricity. The researched port was Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT), Medan, Indonesia. The emission factor used for fuel was based on the policy issued by the Ministry of Environment that has ratified IPCC 2006, and, as for the electricity, the emission factor of the Java Madura Bali power plant was used, i.e. 0.844 kg of CO2/KWH. It was found out that the fewest emissions in terms of the emissions from the whole equipment were those in BICT, as many as 15.93 kg of CO2/TEU. As for the emissions produced by fuel or direct emissions in a port, those in BICT as many as 15.38 kg of CO2/TEU. In respect of the emissions from the whole process in a port, from berthing to taking containers out of the port, the emissions in JICT as many as 29.08 kg of CO2/TEU. A huge number of emissions were produced from berthing. With the use of power on shore, this number will shrink, and it will eventually considerably lessen the number of the whole emissions in the port.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-103
Number of pages7
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • Carbon Emission Port
  • Container Terminal
  • Fuel Consumption


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