Study of Microbial Air Quality at Surrounding Food and Leaves Waste Composting Facility (Case Study: Composting Facility - Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia)

L. V.Y. Putri, G. A. Kristanto, I. G. Danumihardja

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Composting process can increase bioaerosol concentrations that can cause health effect on human. The objectives of this research are to study bioaersol concentration and temperature and humidity factors bioaerosol concentration regarding food and leaves waste composting in Composting Facility - Faculty of Engineering. This study found that bioaerosol concentration of gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, and fungi on 1st sampling location about 123,7 to 4699,6 CFU/m3, 0 to 17,67 CFU/m3, and 212,0 to 1484,1 CFU/m3, on 2nd sampling location about 141,3 to 2402,8 CFU/m3, 0 CFU/m3, and 300,4 to 1042,4 CFU/m3, and on 3rd sampling location about 17,7 to 2102,5 CFU/m3, 0 CFU/m3, and 53,0 to 1802,1 CFU/m3. This concentration was higher than related standard. Therefore, we need to do some handing technique to reduce bioaerosol exposure to human.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012112
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2019
EventUniversitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment 2019, URICSE 2019 - Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Duration: 10 Sept 2019 → …


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